Responsive, Experienced Legal Help

Sensitive And Efficient Succession Assistance

Taking care of a recently deceased loved one’s final affairs can be very complicated. The process of paying all necessary taxes and debts and distributing assets to the heirs is often confusing to an inexperienced executor.

To avoid costly errors, contact the Lake Charles Law Offices of John Green Jr. for assistance from our efficient and seasoned succession attorneys. We have assisted in hundreds of successions, and can help you handle this responsibility as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Wills And Successions In Louisiana

Photo of Professionals At Law Offices of John Green Jr.

Louisiana law handles the transferring of a deceased’s person property differently than most other states. As a community property state, Louisiana distinguishes between property the deceased owned together with his or her spouse, and separate property he or she owned solely. This makes determining who inherits property very complicated, especially when the deceased is survived by a spouse, along with children and other descendants.

Having a will can simplify matters, but it is still vital that you use an attorney who is familiar with succession law. Our lawyers are very well-versed in the law and the procedures involved. With our assistance, you will be able to settle the estate according to your loved one’s wishes and with a minimum of cost and delay.

Few successions lead to family disputes, but sometimes a relative may challenge the validity of the will. In case you are accused of fraud in relation to the will, we will provide a strong defense.

Make An Appointment With One Of Our Attorneys

For more information about wills and successions, please call 337-990-0060 or email our firm to set up a no-obligation initial consultation.